Anchor of Hope Awarded Catholic Foundation Grants to Support Youth

Bruce McEwing, President of the Board of Directors at Anchor of Hope, receives Catholic Foundation grants from Josh Diedrich, Executive Director of the Catholic Foundation, and Nicole Skarda, Grant Coordinator at the Catholic Foundation.

“Teach by works more than by words.” ~ St. Teresa of Avila

As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve our brothers and sisters and share Christ with all we meet.  Through our actions and service, we show others how they can welcome Jesus into their own hearts and share Him with others.  The Catholic Foundation is proud to support many incredible ministries throughout northeastern Wisconsin that help people answer this call.  One of the ministries that does this is Anchor of Hope TEC (Together Encountering Christ).

Anchor of Hope is a spiritual enrichment opportunity for teens and young adults in northeastern Wisconsin.  Based in Green Bay, this organization helps young people discover Christ and embrace their Catholic faith.

Through the Advancing the Mission (ATM) Evangelization grant and Raising Vocations Collection, Anchor of Hope can continue to help young adults discover Jesus and support youth on their faith and vocation journey.  This includes vocation awareness, community and friendship building, and much more to help young people on their walk with Christ.

“As a grant recipient, Anchor of Hope will be able to help more young adults encounter Christ.  We look forward to seeing how this ministry continues to make a difference for Catholic youth throughout northeastern Wisconsin.  Thank you, Anchor of Hope, for your dedicated service and for helping our young people be open to God’s call,” shares Josh Diedrich, Executive Director of the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay.

As Anchor of Hope works with young adults, this ministry gives young people the chance to find community with other Catholics their age while helping them learn how to answer the call God has for their lives.  The Anchor of Hope retreats focus on the Paschal Mystery: Jesus’ passion, death, and resurrection.  This is how many young people first discover Jesus on these retreats.

“As our young people journey with Jesus through His suffering on the cross and His victory over the grave, they encounter Jesus in a deeper way at the Anchor of Hope retreat.  Once they connect with Christ, they can open their hearts to who God calls them to be.  These grants will allow us to better support these young adults, provide them with lifelong friendships, and help them share the Good News of our Savior with others.  We are grateful to the Catholic Foundation for helping us continue serving and supporting youth in the Diocese of Green Bay,” says Bruce McEwing, President of the Board of Directors at Anchor of Hope.

Through the support of these grants, Anchor of Hope will be able to keep supporting young people on their walk with Christ.  Congratulations to Anchor of Hope for being the recipient of two Catholic Foundation grants, and we thank this ministry for their generous works to help our young people discover Jesus and learn what God has in store for them.

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