2024 Bishop’s Appeal Kickoff

Living the Eucharist and Sharing the Gifts are the greatest acts of love we can give to our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Eucharist connects us to Jesus and inspires us to share God’s love with those we encounter.  The Bishop’s Appeal begins February 3-4, 2024.  Through your support, we are blessed to have the opportunity to share our gifts to further the mission of the Church.

Because of your support of the Bishop’s Appeal, Catholic Charities works with those struggling with mental health issues, offers financial counseling, and helps couples looking to grow their family by adoption.  Many times, Catholic Charities also works with couples facing a difficult time in their marriage.  As difficulties grow and worsen, it can become challenging for a husband and wife to find a solution on their own.  Counseling services help couples put Jesus at the center of their relationship and help them work through their struggles.  When you make a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal, you support Catholic Charities’ efforts to provide healing opportunities for more people across northeastern Wisconsin. 

When you make a Bishop’s Appeal gift, you also help children discover Jesus’ love through faith formation programs and Catholic schools.  For some, faith formation and Catholic schools are the only way children encounter Jesus and are supported in their faith journey.  They grow their relationship with Jesus while being surrounded by faith-filled individuals, which gives these young people the foundation they need to become strong Catholics.  Your gift furthers faith formation and Catholic education ministries that serve people and bring Christ into thousands of lives, including the lives of members at your parish.  To see these ministries in action and more ways our Diocese is sharing the gifts, watch the 2024 Bishop’s Appeal video here.

There are two easy ways to make your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal:

  1. Make your pledge online at www.catholicfoundationgb.org/give  
  2. Send back the blue envelope with the gift card that was included with the letter from Bishop Ricken with a check or credit card pledge.

Thank you for your support of the Bishop’s Appeal.  Together, we are Living the Eucharist and Sharing the Gifts!

If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Danz at (920) 272-8123, or email [email protected] today.

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