2024 Home Missions – Our Own Needs Collection Kicks Off May 19

On May 19, 2024, the Home Missions – Our Own Needs Collection will kick off in parishes throughout northeastern Wisconsin.  This Collection focuses on evangelization in the United States, including here in the Diocese of Green Bay.  Thanks to your gift, we can bring Jesus to more people and share the Good News with our brother and sisters across the country.

The following four Catholic agencies help people encounter Jesus, and your support of the Collection makes this possible.

Black and Indian Mission

The Black and Indian Mission exists to build Christian communities among the Native American, African American, and Alaskan Native people.  Every penny collected is distributed as diocesan grants to support and strengthen evangelization programs in the United States.  Annually, in our Diocese, we receive grants to assist parishes in Neopit and Keshena with outreach, education, and service to people of the Menominee Indian Tribe.

The Catholic Communications Campaign (CCC)

This campaign modernizes how the Church communicates the joy of the Gospel nationwide and locally.  Half of all funds collected for the CCC remain in our diocese to support local communication efforts.  This collection connects people to the Gospel.

The Catholic University of America

Through the Home Missions – Our Own Needs Collection, you support the National University of the Catholic Church.  Your gift enables the University to prepare the next generation of Catholic leadership, both religious and lay.  Every donated dollar supports scholarships to financially assist deserving students in completing their education.

The Catholic Home Missions

The Catholic Home Missions assists 40% of dioceses in the United States.  Poverty, distance, difficult terrain, and lack of priests significantly affects the ability of mission dioceses to offer basic pastoral needs.  Home Missions provides financial assistance for Mass, sacraments, and faith formation.

Thanks to your support, this consolidated collection will help these agencies build vibrant faith communities.  From Catholic media, to religious education, to seminary formation, to lay ministry training, the Home Missions – Our Own Needs Collection brings Jesus to more people in our nation.

Please prayerfully consider how you can support this Collection on May 19, 2024.  Together, we are helping more people discover Jesus!

If you have any questions, please contact Danielle Dercks, World Missions Coordinator, at [email protected].

Photo from USCCB 2024 Catholic Home Missions Appeal Resources page.
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