How Gifts Are Used

Gifts to the Catholic Foundation serve the people of northeasternJoe_Zenk_Communion Wisconsin by assisting the Diocese of Green Bay, parishes, schools, and other Catholic and community charitable organizations whose practices conform to tenets of the Catholic faith.

Individuals and families may make gifts for a variety of causes, including:

Gifts to the Bishop’s Appeal help Catholic Charities, education, the new evangelization, living justice and worship, services to parishes, training parish and school leaders, and publishing The Compass, the diocesan newspaper.

Endowed funds provide grants for a wide range of programs and services, including a leadership program for new pastors and parish directors; training of respite caregivers and youth ministers; tuition help for needy families; parish and school needs; and many more.  Our Catholic Foundation Annual Report contains complete financial and distribution.

To learn more about how your gift can help bring Jesus to others, contact us at (920) 272-8197 or 1-877-500-3580, ext. 8197, or e-mail us.