The Bishop’s Appeal is the annual fundraising campaign conducted by the Catholic Foundation to support the ministries and services of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay to our parishes, schools, families, and individuals.
Each family is asked to prayerfully consider how much they will pledge as our partners as the heart and hands of Jesus in service to others.
Your Gift to the Bishop’s Appeal Supports
- Catholic Charities in extending outreach social services to people most in need.
- Catholic Schools in assisting Catholic schools and parishes in their mission to share our Catholic teachings with people of all ages.
- Evangelization & Discipleship in training and forming deacons, parish directors and lay ministers.
Parish Leadership in helping parishes develop and enhance ministries that encourage prayer, service, sharing and engagement in parish life.
- On Mission Magazine in publishing news and information about our Church and faith.
- Bishop’s Appeal in assisting the Catholic Foundation to help fund the crucial ministries of the Diocese. Fundraising typically costs 7% to 9%.
To learn more about the Bishop’s Appeal or to make a gift, phone the Bishop’s Appeal office at
(920) 272-8123, [email protected] or to give online.