What gives you hope?

This is a question many of us consider throughout our lifetimes. I hear about and see so many examples of hope whenever I visit with wonderful and faith-filled parishioners like you in our diocese.
Hope is in our parish faith formation programs and Catholic schools as children receive a faith-filled education with Jesus at the center. Catholic Charities counselors help people find healing through Christ. Parishioners find hope in their deacons as they walk with them on their faith journey. These are just a few of the ways the light of hope is shining in our diocese thanks to the diocesan ministries supported by the Bishop’s Appeal.
Because of your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal, hope is found. Love is shared. Jesus is discovered. This is the kind of life every child of God deserves. The Bishop’s Appeal makes this a reality. However, we need your support for these essential ministries to continue.
Please prayerfully consider your gift to the 2025 Bishop’s Appeal, and join me in Bringing Hope to the World.
Bishop David L. Ricken
Most Reverend David L. Ricken, DD, JCL
Bishop of Green Bay