Catholic Foundation Grants

Welcome! The Catholic Foundation offers grants to financially support the spiritual, educational, and social needs of communities across Northeastern Wisconsin.

This includes Catholic parishes and schools, Catholic entities, and other charitable organizations that align with Catholic teachings within the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay. We also offer scholarship opportunities to qualified individuals. Most grant applications are accepted from October 1 to December 1.

Criteria upon which your grant application may be considered include:

The application advances the mission of the Catholic Church in northeastern Wisconsin that as friends and followers of Jesus we are devoted to fostering households and communities of discipleship through the mission and ministry of the Catholic Church, meets a priority need for your organization, is collaborative with other parishes/schools/organizations, and the project requested does not duplicate another program.

The following types of requests are generally not covered:

Structural building and capital projects, technology, books, travel costs, or food/refreshments.

Available Grants

Advancing the Mission Leadership Development Grant

Created by the Advancing the Mission campaign to provide leadership development to include priestly study for advanced degrees; recruitment and education for deacons; assistance in the education of seminarians toward ordination; recruitment and education of new pastoral leaders; and to promote and support lay ecclesial vocations such as pastoral associates, religious education directors, parish business managers, youth ministers, and any other lay ecclesial ministries. Click here to learn more.

Advancing the Mission Evangelization Grant

Created by the Advancing the Mission campaign to provide support for the Evangelization Department of the Diocese of Green Bay and to help support for Diocesan-wide, vicariate, parish cluster, and/or parish programs for worship, spirituality, sacred music, youth and young adult ministry, marriage preparation, family life, baptism preparation, campus ministry, retreat operations, and activities of the Right of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) programs by providing for this new evangelization initiative. Click here to learn more.

Advancing the Mission Lifelong Catechesis Grant

Created by the Advancing the Mission campaign to provide for lifelong catechesis to help fund religious education at the parish/vicariate level in the form of learning materials and teaching stipends; to help Catholic schools establish tuition assistance to needy families; to provide direct assistance to needy schools; and to help fund the current work of the Department of Education inclusive of Adult Faith Formation. Click here to learn more.

one by One Catholic Schools Facilities Grant

This grant was created by the one by One campaign to provide support and assistance to benefit Pre-K through Grade 12 Catholic school facilities within the Diocese of Green Bay facing significant repairs, maintenance, and upgrades that advance learning including technology improvements which support hybrid teaching and innovative instructional models. The grant is intended to provide seed grants and not fully-fund any particular project, but may fully fund a project on a case-by-case basis. Click here to learn more.

one by One Catholic School Tuition Assistance Grant

This grant was created by the one by One campaign to increase access to Catholic education by providing tuition assistance funding to Pre-K through Grade 12 Catholic schools within the Diocese of Green Bay. Preference will be given to applicants whose families are registered at a Catholic parish in the Diocese of Green Bay and have tuition assistance needs not met by needs-based scholarships. Click here to learn more.

one by One Homeless Services Grant

This grant was created by the one by One campaign to provide support and assistance to homeless shelters and homeless service providers, including parishes or Catholic schools with programs or ministries serving homeless populations. Click here to learn more.

Monica Meyer Respect Life Grant

This Endowment was established by a generous bequest from the Monica Meyer estate to provide grants for Respect Life Anti-Abortion Programs in the Diocese of Green Bay. Click here to learn more.

Lumen Christi Grant

This Endowment was established in 1988 to assist with educational needs in the Diocese of Green Bay. Provides annual support for religious education in every diocesan parish, an annual per-student contribution to every Catholic school, and tuition assistance and scholarship grants to those furthering their education to serve in Catholic education. Click here to learn more.

Catholic Foundation Field of Interest Grant

The Catholic Foundation makes annual grants from areas of interest funds and designated funds that benefit the poor and homeless, children and youth, and other areas of need. Click here to learn more.

Marie D. and Denis J. Garot Grant

The endowment is designed to provide grants for diocesan efforts for outreach to the Catholic blind and deaf communities. These efforts will help our blind and deaf brothers and sisters discover Christ by providing funds for equipment and supplies in parishes, schools, faith formation, and other Catholic religious organizations. Click here to learn more.

Rice Bowl Grant

This grant funds projects that benefit Northeastern Wisconsin immigrant or refugee populations who are struggling to meet their basic needs (such as food, shelter, healthcare, and literacy). Rice Bowl applications will be open April 1 – June 1.

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