MCA encourages children to share their faith with children in developing countries through their prayers, personal sacrifices and financial offerings.
Under their tag-line “children helping children,” this mission helps raise money through schools to spread the Good News of Jesus and offer His love to poor children in some 110 mission countries. Funds raised are directed toward tuition, books, uniforms and food for 650,000 children in the Mission countries.
Here in the United States, MCA provides free resources for children, families, and teachers. Our Diocesan students also share their talents in the MCA National Art contest each year. This contest is a great way to remind young people, through the programs and materials of the Missionary Childhood Association, of their responsibility for the Mission Church and their link with their mission family. In six years of participating in the contest, our diocese has had six winners!
For more information, contact the World Missions Office at 920-272-8192, or email [email protected].