Online Giving Options for Parishes

As you know, Sunday offerings are by far the largest portion of financial support your parish receives and are critical to the ongoing vitality and sustainability of your ministries and the mission of the Church.  The pandemic has taught us that online giving is a sustainable and easy way for your parishioners to support the parish.  The Catholic Foundation encourages you to consider establishing an online giving presence to give your families an additional way to support your parish offertory.

Are you still trying to figure out online giving at your parish?  Wondering where to start and how much it will cost?  Below are several options for you to consider around offertory.  If one of these options will not work for your parish or you have questions, please call me at 920.272.8197 or email me.  I am happy to help you work through any issues. 

    • GiveCentral – GiveCentral is a multi-platform online donation tool that helps small to mid-size nonprofits.  They provide many different online services from online giving to email marketing.  They also are able to provide tools to transition families to online giving. GiveCentral is working on an API with Gabriel Software.  GiveCentral works with many parishes across the United States.  They would have a separate contract.  It would be $75 as a one-time setup fee, $34 a month for services and a credit card fee.  GiveCentral can be up and running in 5-10 days.
    • Stripe – Stripe is an online giving processor of credit card payments for non-profits and for profits.  Their fees are 2.9% and $.30 per transaction.  They do have the ability to integrate with Gabriel Software.  IT has some instructions for setting up Stripe within Gabriel.  This solution is only able to process credit card or debit card giving.  Stripe can be up and running in a day or two.
    • Vanco Services – Vanco Services provides online payment solutions for thousands of businesses.  Vanco is used by more than 20,000 Churches.  Vanco would require a separate contract with them to begin services.  They do have the ability to integrate with Gabriel Software.  For churches with less than $20,000 in donations per month there would not be a monthly fee and credit card rate would 2.9% +$.45/transaction and for ACH processing it costs 1% + $.45/transaction.  Vanco Services can be up and running in 5-10 days.

***Please know you will have to contract with most of these services.***

Please call me at 920.272.8197 or email with further questionsOur Catholic Foundation team is here to help you!  Thank you for all you do for your parish and the Church.

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