There are many other mission opportunities available to help our brothers and sisters around the world.
If there is something specific you are looking for, but cannot find on our website, please contact our
World Missions Office so that we may help you.

Diocesan Rosary Mission – Thanks to our generous donors who make rosaries or donate monies for shipping costs, our Rosary Mission ships over 50,000 per year to orphanages, schools, missions and Diocese. Through your support, countless people come to know God’s presence through prayer and adoration to the Blessed Virgin Mary. For more information, contact the World Missions Office at 920-272-8192, or email [email protected].
Additional mission opportunities include:
- Mass Offered By Mission Priest
- Dominican Republic Mission
- Gregorian Masses
- United Stated Conference of Bishop’s (USCCB) Missions
If you have questions, please contact the World Missions Office at 920-272-8192, or email [email protected].