The Catholic Foundation is proud to support Catholic organizations throughout northeastern Wisconsin. The Foundation has numerous funds that provide these ministries with a steady income. Here is a list of our endowments categorized by funds to benefit Unrestricted, Donor Advised, Education, Ministry and Services.
If you are interested in establishing an endowment or fund with the Catholic Foundation please learn more here. We encourage you to consider supporting these funds and endowments by making a gift below. Please type the name of the fund or copy and paste the name of the fund from the listing below into the online giving form below. Thank you for your support of these important ministries.
Unrestricted Funds & Endowments
Bishop’s Greatest Needs Endowment
The diocesan Bishop decides which areas of greatest need receive help from this endowment, which serves as the Foundation’s general fund. All unrestricted gifts to the Foundation become part of this endowment. Established in 1998 in honor of Bishop Robert J. Banks.
Bishop’s Appeal Endowment
Supports the Green Bay Diocese’s ongoing programs and services. Established by a generous bequest to the Bishop’s Appeal. Additional gifts and bequests are most welcome!
Operating Fund
Supports the ongoing operations of the Catholic Foundation. Additional gifts are most welcome!
Donor Advised Funds
Richard A. and Jennifer A. Bergstrom Endowment for Seminary Formation
This endowment is established to provide charitable support to a variety of seminaries and support the formation of religious sisters in and outside of the Diocese of Green Bay.
Richard A. and Jennifer A. Bergstrom Endowment for the Poor
This endowment is established to provide charitable support to a variety of organizations providing missionary outreach to the poor in and outside of the Diocese of Green Bay.
Blessed Virgin Mary Fund for Charitable Giving
This fund was established to provide charitable support to a variety of Catholic causes in and outside of the
Diocese of Green Bay.
Catholic Woman’s Club of Green Bay
Established to continue the heritage of giving of the Catholic Woman’s Club of Green Bay.
Francis & Linda Cleereman Fund
Established to help carry on the family’s charitable contributions to various Catholic causes.
Mark & Mary De Prey Family Fund
This fund is designed to carry on a tradition of giving to Catholic and community charitable activities, which will continue well into the future.
Urban Michael & Laura Jean Ebert Donor Advised Fund
Established to carry on the family tradition of giving to Catholic and community charitable activities, primarily in the Diocese of Marquette, Michigan.
Stephen H. Eckes Fund for Catholic Charity
Established through a generous gift from the Stephen Eckes estate to continue Catholic charitable giving.
Evers Family Stewardship Fund
This fund was established by D. and A. Evers in gratitude for their many blessings and to carry on through their children a commitment to charitable giving.
Fitzgerald Family Fund for Sr. Maria Marciano
The purpose of this fund is to support Sr. Maria Marciano in her efforts to replace and improve the standard of living and nutrition for families in the aftermath of the earthquake of 2010. In the event it is no longer practical for Sr. Maria to continue the humanitarian work in Haiti, the advisors will determine where in the world it will be used.
Good Shepherd Fund for Charitable Giving
This fund was established by David and Mary Leitermann in memory of their daughter Anna to promote the value and importance of giving to Catholic and community charitable activities.
Grateful Giving Charitable Donor Advised Fund
Established by a generous family to continue their support of Catholic and community charitable giving.
Holy Spirit Fund
The purposes of this fund are to help the poor and to fund evangelization efforts. Additional gifts are most welcome.
Carl and Lori Juza Family Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide support to the family’s Catholic parish and to other Catholic causes and organizations.
Robert E. & Josephine C. Kanzenbach Donor Advised Fund
This fund is established to support Catholic and community charitable activities in missionary areas throughout the world.
Darlene and Donald J. Long Family Fund for Catholic Charity
Established by the Darlene and Donald J. Long, Sr. family to support a variety of Catholic causes.
Long Family Donor Advised Fund for Catholic Charity
Established by the Darlene and Donald J. Long, Sr. family to provide ongoing support to a variety of Catholic and community charitable organizations.
Michael & Elizabeth Mason Family Charitable Giving Fund
Established by Elizabeth, in memory of her husband, Michael, to continue their support of Catholic and community charitable giving.
Mark & Nancy Mueller Family Donor Advised Fund
This fund was established by Mark and Nancy Mueller to provide charitable support to a variety of Catholic and community causes in and outside of the Diocese of Green Bay.
Deacon Mark & Lynn Mullins Fund for Charitable Giving
The fund is established to provide charitable support to a variety of causes, including many Catholic causes, across northeastern Wisconsin.
Mary Beth Nienhaus Fund for Charitable Giving
This fund is established to support Catholic and community charitable activities and organizations.
Ken and Pauline Niesen Family Fund
Established by Debra M. Niesen in honor and memory of her parents Kenneth and Pauline Niesen. The purpose is to help with ongoing capital improvements and maintenance of buildings and grounds at Holy Cross Parish, Kaukauna.

Our Lady Queen of Peace Stewardship Fund
This fund was established to support Catholic and community charitable activities to give honor to our Lord and His Mother, Our Lady Queen of Peace.
Deacon Tim & Sue Reilly Donor Advised Fund
The purpose of this fund is to promote God’s kingdom on earth, initially in Brown and Dane counties. Particular emphasis will be given to the Bishop’s Appeal, Resurrection Parish, St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter, Notre Dame Academy and Green Bay Catholic Schools.
Schierl Children Family Stewardship Fund
The children of Paul Schierl and their spouses established this fund out of gratitude for their many blessings and as part of their mutual commitment to support each other in adopting a stewardship way of life through prayer and charitable works.
Paul & Carol Schierl Donor Advised Fund
Established to facilitate Schierl Family charitable giving for Catholic endeavors.
Albert G. & Shirley A. Schmidt Donor Advised Endowment
This endowment is designed to carry on a tradition of Catholic charitable giving.
Arthur & Gladys Schmidt Family Fund for Needy
Established to carry on the values of family giving through gifts to various Catholic organizations reaching out to the needy.
Paul & Nicole Schneider Family Fund
Established to advance the family tradition of giving to Catholic and community charitable activities.
Schonke Family Fund
This fund was established by David and Janice Schonke in gratitude for their many blessings and to continue a commitment to charitable giving.
Larry & Rose Marie Sur Family Fund
Established to help advance the family’s charitable contributions to various Catholic causes.
Harold & Arleen Vanden Heuvel Fund for Charity
This fund was established in memory of Harold and Arleen Vanden Heuvel to provide charitable support to a variety of Catholic and non-Catholic causes in and outside of the Diocese of Green Bay.
Joseph & Sarah Van Drisse Endowment
Established to honor the memory of Joseph and Sarah Van Drisse by assisting many Catholic causes in the Diocese of Green Bay.
Walter & Mary Ann Wilinski Family Donor Advised Fund
Established to promote charitable giving of the Walter and Mary Ann Wilinski Family.
Jeff and Diane Walters Fund For Charitable Giving
This endowment was established by Jeff and Diane Walters to benefit St. Mary Parish, Appleton and St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System, Appleton.
Education Funds & Endowments
All Saints Catholic School Endowment, Antigo
Benefits students of the All Saints Catholic School System of Antigo.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic School Endowment, Pulaski
The purposes of this endowment are to provide funding for Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic School’s programs, services, operations, maintenance, capital requirements, tuition assistance, and continued existence of the school.
Helen K. Asmuth Endowment for St. Mary Catholic High School
Established to provide scholarships to attend St. Mary Catholic High School in Neenah.
Bertler Family Scholarship Endowment
Established in memory of the John Bertler family and Eugene and Leila Bertler to provide tuition assistance scholarships for students in the Manitowoc area interested in pursuing a post-secondary education. The Bertler family wishes to continue their commitment to the importance of education.
Richard Bluma Endowment for Catholic Education
The purpose of the Endowment is to support the greatest needs of Catholic education in the Diocese of Green Bay.
Helen Bohman Fund for Holy Family Catholic School
This fund was established through a generous bequest from Helen Bohman to benefit Holy Family Catholic School, Brillion and more specifically for the school’s operations, maintenance, capital requirements and with a special emphasis on providing teachers with the tools to educate young people.

Burundi Education Endowment
Created to ensure long term needs of the education of the children are addressed such as school supplies and other educational needs for the children of Burundi, Africa. Any amount is most welcome!
Burundi Greatest Needs Fund
Created to ensure the immediate needs of the children are addressed such as school supplies and other educational needs for the children of Burundi, Africa. Any amount is most welcome!
Christmas Stars Anna Leitermann Scholarship Fund, Appleton
Established in memory of Anna Leitermann, tragically killed in a car accident, to benefit a Christmas Stars’ member who is enrolled in the fall college term.
Christmas Stars Scholarship Fund, Appleton
Supports the fine arts programs of St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System through scholarships to Xavier High School students involved in the fine arts.
Carol Coryell Endowment for Providence Academy
The purpose of the endowment is to provide tuition assistance for students at Providence Academy, Green Bay.
Carol Coryell Endowment for St. John Bosco Catholic School
The purpose of the endowment is to provide tuition assistance for students at St. John Bosco Catholic School, Sturgeon Bay, including the cost for applications for tuition assistance.
Dr. James C. & Kathleen Curry Tuition Fund
Benefits Catholic elementary schools through tuition assistance to low-income, minority or other children needing aid to attend Catholic grade schools.
Mahlon & Jeanette Dier Endowment
The purposes of the endowment are to be operated exclusively for religious and educational purposes of St. Mary’s School in Algoma, Wisconsin, and primarily to provide tuition or tuition assistance for any child who wishes to attend St. Mary’s School in Algoma, Wisconsin, and afford the tuition charges of the school.
Father Dionne Endowment for All Saints Parish, Denmark
Established in memory of Father Chester Dionne to offset tuition, fees to the school and to support religious education at All Saints Parish, Denmark.
Divine Savior Catholic School
The endowment provides supplemental funding for Divine Savior Catholic School and its greatest needs.
Bob & Pat Endries Tuition Assistance Challenge Endowment
The purpose of the endowment is to provide tuition assistance for children who attend Holy Family Parish Learning Center in Brillion. Bob and Pat Endries would like to encourage additional gifts to support the endowment as a challenge.
Franciscan Center for Music Education and Performance Endowment
The purpose of the endowment is to provide support and assistance to the Franciscan Center for Music Education and Performance by providing additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements, and continued existence.
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Education Scholarship Endowment
This endowment was established through the generosity of donors to Holy Family College. The purpose of the endowment is to honor Holy Family College by providing education scholarships to Colleges or Universities.
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Music Scholarship Endowment
This endowment was established through the generosity of donors to Holy Family College. The purpose of the endowment is to honor Holy Family College by providing music scholarships to Colleges or Universities.
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Nursing Scholarship Endowment
This endowment was established through the generosity of donors to Holy Family College. The purpose of the endowment is to honor Holy Family College by providing nursing scholarships to Colleges or Universities.
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Scholarship Endowment
This endowment was established through the generosity of donors to Holy Family College. The purpose of the endowment is to honor Holy Family College by providing general scholarships to Colleges or Universities.
Franciscan Sisters Christian Charity Scholarship Endowment for Students from Wisconsin
This endowment was established through the generosity of donors to Holy Family College. The purpose of the endowment is to honor Holy Family College by providing general scholarships to students from Wisconsin to Colleges or Universities.
Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity STEM Scholarship Endowment
This endowment was established through the generosity of donors to Holy Family College. The purpose of the endowment is to honor Holy Family College by providing STEM scholarships to Colleges or Universities.
Father Donald Fuller Fund for Holy Angels
Established through a generous bequest from the estate of Father Donald Fuller, to be used by Holy Spirit School as determined by the principal and the Total Catholic Education Board.
Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE) Scholarship Endowment
The purpose is to provide scholarship awards to benefit students in the GRACE System.
Green Bay Area Catholic Education System (GRACE) Endowment
Established to benefit the programs and operations of the GRACE System. Additional gifts are most welcome!
John S. Grundman Scholarship Fund
This scholarship provides tuition assistance for financially distressed students from the Oshkosh area to Lourdes Academy.
Holy Cross, Bay Settlement Education Patrons
This fund is established by friends of Holy Cross Parish to support Catholic education in the Holy Cross Bay Settlement community. This fund will benefit educational needs for both youth and adults, including but not limited to: facilities, Catholic school education, RCIA, Faith Formation and special youth programs as identified by the parish community.
Holy Family Conservatory of Music Scholarship Endowment
The purpose of the endowment is to provide tuition and program fee scholarships to students enrolled at Holy Family Conservatory of Music. Additional gifts are most welcome.
Holy Family Learning Center Future Building Fund
This fund was generously established by Bob & Pat Endries. The purpose of this fund is to provide a vehicle for parishioners and others to invest in the future growth and development of Holy Family Learning Center, Brillion. The fund will be used for the construction of a new Learning Center building or a major capital project.
Holy Family Parish Education Endowment, Brillion
Assists Holy Family Parish in its mission to support total Catholic education by providing supplemental funding for programs and services.
Holy Family School Foundation Endowment, Green Bay
The purposes of the endowment are to provide financial assistance to Holy Family School in order that the school may become less dependent on parish subsidies from St. Agnes and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pay its teachers a competitive salary and provide funds for students in need of tuition assistance.
Holy Rosary Catholic School Fund, Kewaunee
The purpose of the fund is to provide additional support for the operation, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence of the Holy Rosary Catholic School, Kewaunee.
Holy Rosary Educational Endowment
The purposes of the endowment are to provide support for the operation, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence of Holy Rosary Congregation, New Holstein.
Richard J. and Ann M. Jilot Scholarship Fund
Assists students with financial needs at GRACE and Notre Dame Academy with preference to St. Bernard Catholic School (GRACE) students and/or graduating students of St. Bernard Catholic School (GRACE) attending Notre Dame Academy.
Todd & Lisa Kaull Family Fund for Lourdes Academy
The purpose of this fund is to provide support and assistance to Lourdes Academy by providing funding to support the Lourdes Academy one by One campaign. Should the campaign reach its goal and funding is not necessary to support the Lourdes Academy one by One campaign, the fund shall support Lourdes Academy athletic programs and athletic facilities.

Norbert & Caroline Koeppel Scholarship Fund for St. Joseph/Holy Family Parish
Established in memory of Norbert and Caroline Koeppel to benefit confirmed members of the St. Joseph/Holy Family Parish in Phlox who are pursuing post-secondary education.
Ed & Carol LaMere Family Catholic Education Fund
The fund is established to facilitate the charitable giving of the family for the greatest needs of Catholic education in the GRACE system.
George and Rita Linzmeier Endowment
To provide support and assistance to St. Mary/St. Michael School, Clarks Mills.
Lourdes Academy Endowment
Benefits Lourdes Academy of Oshkosh.
Lourdes Academy High School Endowment
Provides for the greatest needs of Lourdes Academy High School in Oshkosh.
Lumen Christi Catholic Schools Endowment
Created with a generous, anonymous gift. The distribution is given through Lumen Christi and provides tuition support to needy students who wish to enroll in Catholic schools.
Lumen Christi Endowment
Established in 1988 to assist with educational needs in the Diocese of Green Bay. Provides annual support for religious education in every diocesan parish, an annual per-student contribution to every Catholic school, and tuition assistance and scholarships to those furthering their education to serve in Catholic education.
Mary Queen of Peace Tuition Assistance Endowment
This endowment was established by an anonymous donor in honor of Reverend Lawrence A. (Casey) Stingle founding pastor of
St. Gabriel Parish to provide tuition assistance for students at St. Mary Catholic Schools, Inc., Neenah.
Gerald & Lynn Miller Education Endowment
The purpose of this endowment is to help with the educational needs for Catholic schools and Catholic school students in the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay.
George P. Mueller Endowment for Sacred Heart Parish Elementary Education
Supports and assists the Catholic elementary school at Sacred Heart Parish in Sherwood by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services.
George P. Mueller Endowment for St. Margaret Mary Parish School
Supports and assists the Catholic elementary school at St. Margaret Mary Parish in Neenah by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services.
Lorraine and James Noffke Endowment
The purpose of the fund is to benefit Lourdes Academy of Oshkosh, WI, formerly known as the Unified Catholic Schools of Oshkosh, WI, and the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
Notre Dame de la Baie Academy – Bishop Robert Morneau & Ann Morneau Hollenback Scholarship
Given in honor of Bishop Robert Morneau and his sister, Ann Morneau Hollenback, to provide scholarships for Catholic students to help fund their Catholic high school education. Additional gifts are most welcome and appreciated.
Notre Dame de la Baie Academy Endowment, Green Bay
Established by the Darlene and Donald J. Long, Sr. family to benefit the programs and operations of Notre Dame de la Baie High School.
Notre Dame Catholic School of De Pere Inc. Endowment
This endowment was established by St. Mary Catholic Community of De Pere and St. Francis Xavier Parish of De Pere for the support and assistance of Notre Dame Catholic School of De Pere Inc.
one by One Catholic School Facilities Fund
This fund was established through the one by One campaign to provide grants to Catholic schools in the Diocese of Green Bay facing significant repairs, maintenance, and upgrades that advance learning.
one by One Catholic School Tuition Assistance Endowment
This endowment was established through the one by One campaign to increase access to Catholic education by providing tuition assistance funding to Pre-K through Grade 12 Catholic schools within the Diocese of Green Bay.
Open Skies Education Initiative Fund
Established by Bishop Robert J. Banks to provide educational scholarships to underprivileged children.
Prince of Peace Education Endowment
This endowment was established by the estate of Reverend Robert Rhyner to support the educational needs of Prince of Peace Parish, Green Bay.
Father Leo Przybylski Endowment
Established through the estate of Alice Przybylski to honor the memory of her brother Fr. Leo Przybylski and to benefit the educational needs in the parishes in which he served.
Sacred Heart, Shawano Education Endowment
Established to provide support and assistance to the Sacred Heart School by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services and to provide additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
Sacred Heart Tuition Assistance Endowment
Provides tuition assistance to needy students attending Lourdes Academy of Oshkosh.
Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Education Endowment, Green Bay
Supports and assists Ss. Peter & Paul Parish in its mission of providing lifelong Catholic education for parishioners. Additional gifts are most welcome!
Ss. Peter & Paul Education School Endowment, Kiel
Established to provide support and assistance to the Ss. Peter & Paul School by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services and to provide additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
St. Ann’s Parish Assistance for Divine Savior Catholic School
Established to help St. Ann’s Parish children attending Divine Savior Catholic School.
St. Anthony Catholic School Fund, Oconto Falls
Established for the greatest needs of the Catholic school of St. Anthony Parish. Additional contributions are always welcome and appreciated.
St. Clare Parish Endowment for Charitable Purposes and Catholic Education Assistance
The purposes of the endowment are to provide support for the basic needs of families and individuals in the St. Clare community and to provide support for those who are in need of assistance for Catholic education at any level.
St. Clare Lifetime Catholic Education Fund, Wrightstown
The purpose of the endowment is to provide support and assistance to St. Clare Parish in its mission to provide Catholic education throughout the lives of the Askeaton, Greenleaf and Wrightstown community members. Additional gifts are most welcome and appreciated.
St. Francis Xavier High School Scholarship Endowment, Appleton
Provides Catholic high school scholarships to Xavier High School students. Additional gifts are most welcome and appreciated.
St. Ignatius Catholic School College Scholarship Endowment, Kaukauna
This endowment was established by St. Ignatius Catholic School for its own ongoing support and assistance and specifically to provide college scholarships to its high school graduates.
St. Ignatius Catholic School Support Fund, Kaukauna
The purpose of the Fund is to provide support and assistance for the general needs of St. Ignatius Catholic School.
St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic School Fund, Kaukauna
Helps provide for the operation of St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic School.
St. John Bosco Catholic School Endowment, Sturgeon Bay
Provides supplemental funding to support and assist St. John Bosco Catholic School and any future programs and the St. John Bosco religious education program for adults and children.
St. John Bosco Catholic School Fund, Sturgeon Bay
This fund was established by St. John Bosco Catholic School, Sturgeon Bay, with a generous gift from Father Anthony Birdsall to fund construction of school building additions including but not limited to classrooms, offices, and athletic or fine arts spaces.
St. John Nepomucene Catholic School Endowment, Little Chute
Established through generous gifts from the ‘Advancing the Mission’ Stewardship Campaign to promote Catholic education and to provide for the general and ongoing needs of St. John Nepomucene Catholic School.
St. John Nepomucene School Tuition Assistance Endowment, Little Chute
The purposes of the endowment are to provide need-based tuition assistance for students in Grades K-8 at St. John Nepomucene School in Little Chute, Wisconsin.
St. John Nepomucene Endowment for Catholic School Education
The purpose of the endowment is to provide support and assistance to St. John Nepomucene Parish in its mission by providing support for the operations, maintenance, capital requirements, and continued existence of its Catholic School.
St. John–Sacred Heart School Endowment, Sherwood
Supports St. John–Sacred Heart School through supplemental funding for education programs and services. Additional contributions are always welcome and appreciated.
St. John the Baptist Parish School Fund, Howard
Established to provide support and assistance to St. John the Baptist School by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services, and to provide additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
St. Joseph Parish School Fund, Green Bay
Established to support St. Joseph Parish School in Green Bay in its mission.
St. Mary Catholic Education Endowment
This endowment is to benefit St. Mary Catholic School System in Neenah. SMCS may use the distribution for the general operating needs of the system, or tuition assistance for students enrolled in grades K-12, dependent on the needs of the time.
St. Mary Catholic High School Endowment, Neenah
Established to provide support for the general school operations, scholarships to attend the high school and scholarships to assist graduating seniors with their initial college tuition financial needs.
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception School Endowment, Greenville
This endowment was generously established by Mary A. and James A. Cotter Sr. to provide tuition assistance to needy students attending St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception School, Greenville, and additional funds may provide for the educational needs of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Greenville.
St. Mary Parish Catholic Education Endowment, Hilbert
Supports St. Mary Catholic School in its mission by providing funding to continue the legacy of Catholic education in Hilbert.
St. Mary Parish Education Endowment, Peshtigo
Assists and supports the Catholic school and religious education for adults and children by providing additional support for operations and maintenance to assure the school’s continued existence.
St. Mary Parish Scholarship Fund, Oshkosh
Established by the Thomas Lopina Family to provide scholarships to children from the former St. Mary Parish who wish to attend Lourdes Academy of Oshkosh and to benefit lay ministry formation in the parish.
St. Matthew School Endowment, Green Bay
Established to provide tuition assistance to St. Matthew Parish students and support the education mission of our school. Gifts are welcome!
St. Nicholas Parish Education Endowment in honor of Fr. Dennis Ryan
This fund is established to honor Father Dennis Ryan and his dedication to Catholic Education. The purpose of this fund is to help support the parish Catholic school and Religious Education programs for its operation, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
St. Raphael the Archangel Parish, Young Disciple Fund, Oshkosh
This fund was made possible by a generous donation from the Esperance family in recognition of the importance Youth Ministry plays in helping form our young people into disciples. This fund will support high school youth ministry at St. Raphael the Archangel Parish, especially those efforts to help form disciples among high school students.

St. Rose of Lima Educational Endowment Fund, Clintonville
The purposes of the endowment are to provide support and assistance to St. Rose of Lima Parish in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services; additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence; and assistance in the carrying out of Catholic educational programs.
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Catholic Education Endowment, Newton
The purpose of the fund is to provide ongoing support and assistance to St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Newton to provide tuition assistance scholarships for parish families sending their children to K-12 Catholic schools as determined by St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Newton.
St. Thomas Aquinas Academy Endowment, Marinette
This endowment provides support and assistance to St. Thomas Aquinas Academy School in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services; additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence; and assistance in the carrying out of Catholic educational programs.
St. Thomas More Catholic Education Endowment, Green Bay
Established by Donald J. Long, Sr. in honor of his wife, Darlene M. Long, who received an excellent elementary school education at St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Elementary School, now part of Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE).
St. Thomas More Parish Scholarship Fund, Appleton
The purpose of the fund is to provide need-based tuition assistance for any parishioner attending the St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System or assistance with tuition for St. Thomas More religious education.
Paul J. Schierl Scholarship Endowment for GRACE (Green Bay Area Catholic Education, Inc.)
The purpose of the endowment is to facilitate the charitable giving of Carol Schierl and in memory of Paul J. Schierl to GRACE for Catholic education in the greater Green Bay area. The Paul J. Schierl Scholarship awards will be based on the following criteria: Students with financial needs at any GRACE school with first preference being given to students of St. John Paul II Classical School.
Joseph & Mary Schindler Family Fund
Provides tuition assistance to students in need at St. Mary Catholic High School in Neenah.
Bruce & Grace Schommer Family Education Endowment
Supports and assists St. John Nepomucene Parish Elementary School in its mission by providing supplemental funding for services and assistance with its educational programs.
Simon Family Endowment
Established to reduce tuition at St. John Nepomucene Catholic School in Little Chute and Xavier High School of Appleton, to encourage parents to provide a Catholic education for their children.
SPIRITUS Legacy Endowment
This endowment was established to provide for the greatest needs of SPIRITUS and ensure that the SPIRITUS ministry will continue.
SPIRITUS Missionaries Forever Fund
The purposes of the fund are to provide support and assistance to Mount Tabor Center, particularly SPIRITUS in its mission to serve Catholic youth and young adults. This fund will provide supplemental funding for its programs, services, operations, greatest needs and continued existence.
Sullivan Family Endowment
This endowment is to support Catholic and community charitable activities in the Diocese of Green Bay, currently Camp Tekakwitha and Catholic elementary schools.
Sur Endowment for Ave Maria University
This endowment was established by Larry and Rose Marie Sur to provide a fellowship to a student pursuing a Master of Arts in Theology degree at Ave Maria University, Florida.
Total Catholic Education Endowment
Established to benefit religious education programs and Catholic schools in the Diocese of Green Bay.
Joseph & Dorothy Ulmen Total Catholic Education Fund
Established in memory of their son, Michael Ulmen, to benefit Catholic education at St. Philip the Apostle Parish.
Edward & Margie Van De Loo Endowment
Created in memory of Edward and Margie Van De Loo to benefit the St. Ignatius Catholic School System by providing tuition assistance to poor and deserving children who attend the St. Ignatius Catholic School System. Preference is given to the children of Hollandtown.
Katherine M. Weber Memorial Fund
The fund was established with gifts made in memory of Katherine M. Weber who passed away unexpectedly in 2021. The purposes of the Fund are to provide support and assistance to St. John Bosco Catholic School, Sturgeon Bay, in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services; additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
Brandon Willems Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The purpose of the endowment is to provide scholarships for graduates of St. Mary Catholic High School in Neenah who are attending a college of their choice.
Molly Klika Zarnoth Scholarship Endowment
The purpose of the endowment is to provide scholarships to two graduates of St. Bernard School (GRACE) who will attend Notre Dame Academy High School. The scholarship will be based on financial need and academic performance. This fund will award $1,000 per year for education expenses. Two scholarships of $500 will be awarded each year to an eligible 8th grade graduate.
Ministry Funds & Endowments
A New Genesis Community Endowment
Empowers ‘A New Genesis’ Community to serve others through issues of Gospel justice with greater resources than the community can provide alone.
Advancing the Mission – Evangelization Endowment
Created by the Advancing the Mission campaign to provide support for the Evangelization Department of the Diocese of Green Bay and to help support Diocesan-wide, vicariate, parish cluster and/or parish programs for worship, spirituality, sacred music, youth and young adult ministry, marriage preparation, family life, baptism preparation, campus ministry, retreat operations and activities of the RCIA programs by providing for these new evangelization initiatives.
Advancing the Mission – Leadership Development Endowment
Created by the Advancing the Mission campaign to provide leadership development to include priestly study for advanced degrees; recruitment and education for deacons; assistance in the education of seminarians toward ordination; recruitment and education of new pastoral leaders; and to promote and support lay ecclesial vocations such as pastoral associates, religious education directors, parish business managers, youth ministers and any other lay ecclesial ministries.
Advancing the Mission – Lifelong Catechesis Endowment
Created by the Advancing the Mission campaign to provide for lifelong catechesis to help fund religious education at the parish/vicariate level in the form of learning materials and teaching stipends; to help Catholic schools establish tuition assistance to needy families; to provide direct assistance to needy schools; and to help fund the current work of the Department of Education inclusive of Adult Faith Formation.
Advancing the Mission – Priestly Care Endowment
Created by the Advancing the Mission campaign to provide for priestly care by funding support for the welfare of the retired diocesan priests of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay and the benevolent fund of the Leo Benevolent Association of the Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
Allie Seminarian Education Endowment
Established through the Claude P. and Bernice V. Allie estates to procure and educate priests, seminarians and lay ministers of the Church of Green Bay.
Elizabeth M. Anderle Endowment
Benefits St. Mary of the Angels Parish, Green Bay and the Bishop’s Greatest Needs Fund in the Catholic Foundation.
Margaret Bekkers & Thomas Feavel Leadership Development Endowment
Created by Margaret and Thomas, the purposes of the endowment are to provide leadership development to include recruitment and education for deacons and new pastoral leaders; and to promote and support ecclesial vocations such as pastoral associates, religious education directors, parish business managers, youth ministers and any other lay ecclesial ministries.
Dr. Thomas & Louvain Beno Endowment for Advancing the Mission
Supports and assists the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay in its mission by funding leadership development, evangelization, lifelong catechesis and priestly retirement care.
Father Anthony Birdsall Endowment for Corpus Christi Parish, Sturgeon Bay
Created to honor the many years of pastoral leadership the parish received from Reverend Anthony Birdsall. The purposes of the endowment are to provide support and assistance to Corpus Christi Parish in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its Catholic educational programs and additional support for its capital requirements and improvements.
Delos A. Champine Endowment
This endowment was established by the estate of Mr. Delos A. Champine to provide unrestricted support for the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
Maggie Sullivan Conlon Fund for St. Norbert College Parish, De Pere
Provides supplemental funding to support and assist St. Norbert College Parish with its greatest needs and help carry out the mission of the parish.
James C. & Jean N. Courtney Endowment for the Education of Future Priests
This endowment was established to honor the memory of James and Jean Courtney. The purpose of the fund is to educate future priests of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay.
Curran Spirituality Center Endowment, Denmark
The Curran Spirituality Center is an outdoor Rosary Prayer Garden, Angel of Hope Memorial, outdoor Stations of the Cross and Devotional Prayer Chapel. This is a place of prayerful meditation and solitude, inspiring personal awareness and understanding of one’s self, others and the world in which we live. The purpose of the endowment is to provide ongoing financial support for its operational needs, as long as it is in alignment of the core of the Curran Spirituality Center, and live the heart and spirit of the original donor. Additional contributions are most welcome and appreciated.
Goldie & Ethel Derenne Fund for Catholic Charity
Established to carry on a tradition of giving to Catholic and community charitable activities.
Dominican Republic Mission Endowment, Elías Piña
Supports and assists the Diocese of Green Bay’s mission in Elías Piña, Dominican Republic, including all outreach in the area through supplemental funding for its programs and services; and assistance in providing Catholic education programs.
Duane F. Ebert Endowment
The purpose of the endowment is to benefit St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, especially to preserve the art and architecture.
Emmaus Lay Ministry Formation Endowment
This endowment was established through a generous bequest from Bishop Aloysius Wycislo to supplement funding for tuition and book costs to those in the diocese who are in the Emmaus Lay Ministry Formation Program.
Bob & Pat Endries Bishop’s Greatest Needs
The purpose of the endowment is to provide support and assistance for the Bishop’s greatest needs throughout the Diocese of Green Bay to help lead people to the Kingdom of God.
Bob & Pat Endries Relevant Radio Endowment
The purposes of the endowment are to provide support and assistance to Relevant Radio in its mission by providing funding for its programs and services and support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and general needs.
Bob & Pat Endries Shrine of Our Lady of Champion Endowment
The purposes of the endowment are to provide support and assistance to the Shrine of Our Lady of Champion in its mission by providing funding for its programs and services and support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and general needs.
Manuel & Alice Falk Fund for Catholic Charity
Established in recognition of Manuel and Alice Falk, the parents of the donor, to carry on a tradition of giving to Catholic and community charitable activities.

Dr. James H. Fischer Endowment for Seminarians
The purpose of the endowment is to provide support and assistance in the recruitment and promotion of seminarians for the Diocese of Green Bay through new and innovative initiatives.
Jud & Mary Beth Fowler Endowment for St. Margaret Mary Parish, Neenah
Established by Jud and Mary Beth Fowler to help St. Margaret Mary Parish with its greatest needs.
Gedemer Family Designated Endowment
The purpose of this endowment is to continue the family’s lifetime of charitable giving to Catholic and community endeavors.
Vernon and Janet Griesbach Endowment for Charitable Giving
This endowment was established to provide charitable support to Immaculate Conception Parish, Greenville, St. Mary Catholic School, Greenville, the Bishop’s Appeal, recruitment of seminarians, and Retirement Collection.
Frank R. Giesen Family Endowment
The purpose of this fund is to benefit St. Mary Parish and St. Mary Catholic Schools, Menasha and to build chapels or churches around the world.
Jean Hahn Memorial Fund, Appleton
The purpose of the fund is to provide support and assistance to St. Joseph Parish in its mission by providing funding for its programs and services, and support of its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and greatest needs.
Health & Welfare Fund of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Denmark
Established by the Premonstratensian Fathers of St. Norbert Abbey for the ongoing support of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Name of Jesus in Denmark.
Holy Angels Parish Fund, Darboy
Established for the general needs of Holy Angels Parish, now Holy Spirit Parish, in Darboy-Kimberly.
Holy Cross Parish Haen Charity Endowment, Mishicot
This endowment was created from a generous bequest. The purpose of the endowment is to support and assist Holy Cross Parish in its mission of outreach locally and abroad by providing funding to those living in poverty and seeking to better their lives.
Holy Family Parish Endowment, Marinette
Supports and assists Holy Family Parish in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services, operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
Holy Family Parish Future Building Fund
This fund was generously established by Bob & Pat Endries. The purpose of this fund is to provide a vehicle for parishioners and others to invest in the future growth and development of Holy Family Parish, Brillion. The fund will be used for the construction of a new parish building or a major capital project.
Holy Name Retreat Ministry Fund
This fund was established to further retreat ministries and other ministries that draw people closer to Jesus Christ within the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay.
Holy Rosary Parish Fund, Kewaunee
The purpose of the fund is to provide additional support for the operation, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence of the Holy Rosary Parish, Kewaunee and its ministries.
Immaculate Conception Parish, Oneida
The special purpose of this fund is to provide for ongoing and/or emergency needs of Immaculate Conception Parish. Additional gifts are welcome!
Jesuit Retreat House Fund, Oshkosh
Supports the retreat programming, operations, and capital needs of the Jesuit Retreat House on Lake Winnebago, a ministry since 1961. Additional gifts are most welcome!
Father Dave Kiefer Endowment for St. Anthony Parish, Neopit
The purposes of the endowment are to provide: support and assistance to St. Anthony’s Parish in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services; additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence; and assistance in carrying out Catholic educational programs.
Lee & Eileen Kummer Endowment for the Bishop’s Appeal
This fund was established to support the ministries of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay through the Bishop’s Appeal.
Sr. Mary Jo Kirt Endowment for Mount Tabor Retreat Center
Established in memory of Sister Mary Jo Kirt to honor her leadership and direction by providing for the greatest needs of Mount Tabor Retreat Center, Inc.
Reverend Casimir R. Kutiuk and Family Endowment for Education of Seminarians
Established through the generosity of Fr. Casimir R. Kutiuk to honor the memory of his family, the purpose of the endowment is to provide support and assistance to seminarians of the Diocese of Green Bay; this includes but is not limited to tuition, books, transportation and board.
La Verna Secular Franciscans Fund
The La Verna Region is committed to their secular vocation to follow Christ in the spirit of St. Francis by collaboration in rebuilding the Church. The intent of this fund is to support this mission through operational, programmatic and other funding as needed.
Grace M. La Voy Endowment for Seminarians
Established by the Grace M. La Voy estate to provide scholarships for needy Roman Catholic seminarians.
Msgr. Joseph Marx and Rev. Henry J. Arens Endowment for Seminarians
The purpose of the endowment honors the memories of two faithful priests, Fr. Henry J. Arens and his uncle, Msgr. Joseph Marx. It is made possible through a generous gift from Mary Ann Parie and is to help young boys or men studying for the priesthood.
Meister Seminarian Fund
Benefits the seminarians of the Diocese to honor the memory of the founder’s son, Richard Meister.
Monica Meyer Fund for the Education of Priests
Established by a generous bequest from the Monica Meyer estate to educate priests in the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay.
Viola L. & Edmund W. Miller Memorial Fund
Established by the Viola L. and Edmund W. Miller family to benefit St. Joan of Arc Parish, Goodman.
Most Blessed Sacrament Parish Endowment, Oshkosh
This endowment was established by Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, Oshkosh with a generous bequest from Lorraine Noffke for its own ongoing support and assistance and specifically to support the St. Peter Church site located at 435 High Avenue, Oshkosh, Wis.
National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion Capital Needs Fund
Established to help with the capital expenses of buildings and grounds. Additional gifts are most welcome!
National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion Endowment
Established to provide for the Shrine’s future, long-term needs. Additional gifts are most welcome.
Nativity of our Lord Parish Fund, Green Bay
Established on the 40th anniversary of Nativity Parish to provide for ongoing capital improvements and maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds along with other immediate needs of the parish. Additional gifts are welcome!
one by One Rural Parishes Endowment
This endowment was established through the one by One campaign to provide supplemental funding and assistance for programming and ministries at rural parishes within the Diocese of Green Bay.
Order of the Holy Sepulchre Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide support and assistance to members of the Green Bay Section of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
Parish Emergency Response Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide immediate assistance to parishes within the Diocese of Green Bay that have financial need or are receiving financial assistance requests from community members due to spread of the COVID-19 or other emergencies.
Philip W. & Mariette C. Orth Endowment for St. Augustine Parish, Wausaukee
Established in memory of Philip & Mariette Orth to benefit the greatest needs of St. Augustine Parish, Wausaukee.
Reitmeyer Family Foundation for Holy Cross Congregation, Mishicot
The purposes of the endowment are to provide: support and assistance to Holy Cross Congregation, Mishicot, in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services; additional support for its maintenance and capital requirements; and assistance in carrying out Catholic educational programs.
Reitmeyer Family Foundation for Holy Cross Congregation Mission Outreach
This fund is established to help provide support and assistance to Holy Cross Congregation in Mishicot for their mission outreach programs.
Relevant Radio Christian Outreach Fund
Helps Relevant Radio®, Inc. serve the mission of Jesus Christ by establishing community Catholic radio and providing relevant programming to educate, inform, inspire and build a new civilization of love.
Craig A. and Donna M. Rider Endowment for Seminarians
The purpose of this endowment is to benefit seminarians of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay Inc. in whatever way is needed.
Larry & Kalla Spaeth Endowment for Catholic Charity
This endowment was established by Larry and Kalla Spaeth to provide support and assistance to St. John Nepomucene Catholic Church Community, the Bishop’s Appeal, and the Missionaries of the Word religious order.
Ss. Peter & Paul Endowment, Kiel
The purposes of the endowment are to provide additional support for the operation, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence of the Congregation of Ss. Peter & Paul, Kiel and its ministries.
Ss. Peter & Paul Legacy Fund, Green Bay
Established to provide financial support for maintenance, capital requirements and the continued existence of Ss. Peter & Paul Parish, Green Bay. Additional gifts are most welcome.
Ss. Peter & Paul Parish Fund, Hortonville
Established for the greatest needs of the parish for the purpose of educational needs such as curriculum improvement and tuition assistance. Also provides for capital improvements.
St. Ann Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide funding for St. Ann Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order, Green Bay or successor or merged Fraternity.
St. Anthony Parish Endowment, Neopit
Established to support and assist St. Anthony Parish, Neopit, in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services or areas of greatest need.
St. Anthony Parish Fund, Oconto Falls
Established for the greatest needs of St. Anthony Parish, Oconto Falls.
St. Bernard Parish Ministry Endowment, Appleton
This endowment is to help further the ministry programs that include outreach to those who have lost their way.
St. Charles Borromeo Endowment for Seminarians
Established from a bequest from Reverend Charles W. Mocco to provide scholarships and general assistance to the seminarians of the Diocese of Green Bay.
St. Edward Parish Endowment, Mackville
Supports and assists St. Edward Parish in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services; assists in the Catholic educational programs; and supports its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
St. Francis & St. Mary Parish Fund, Brussels
Established for the greatest needs of St. Francis and St. Mary Parish in Brussels.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide funding for the St. Francis of Assisi Parish’s programs and services; additional support for the parish’s operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence to support the mission of the parish.
St. Francis Xavier Cathedral Preservation Endowment, Green Bay
This endowment is established to ensure the preservation of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral including its surrounding buildings and grounds. Additional gifts are most welcome!
St. Francis Xavier Parish Fund, De Pere
This fund is created through a generous bequest from Reverend Donald Marquardt. Its purpose is to provide for the future needs of the parish and its financial stability.
St. John Chrysostom Priest Formation Endowment
The purposes of the Fund are to provide important funding to support the formation needs of priests and deacons serving the Diocese of Green Bay. A special emphasis will be on providing formation in homiletics and other formation needs of the clergy.
St. John Nepomucene Parish & School Endowment, Little Chute
Supports and assists St. John Nepomucene Parish in Little Chute in its mission by providing supplemental funding for its programs and services, or any areas of the parish’s greatest need.
St. John Nepomucene Parish Endowment, Little Chute
Established through generous gifts from the Advancing the Mission Stewardship Campaign to promote Catholic education and to provide for the general needs and ongoing operations of St. John Nepomucene Parish.
St. John the Baptist Parish Endowment, Howard
Established to provide support and assistance to St. John the Baptist Parish in its mission by providing funding for its programs and services; additional support for its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
St. John the Evangelist Endowment, Green Bay
The purpose of the endowment is to ensure the preservation of St. John the Evangelist Parish including the surrounding buildings and properties owned by the Parish.
St. John Vianney Seminarian Formation Fund
This fund provides support and assistance to seminarians in the Diocese of Green Bay; this includes but is not limited to: tuition, books, transportation and board.

St. Joseph Parish Endowment, Sturgeon Bay
The purpose of the endowment is to provide support and assistance to St. Joseph Parish in its mission including but not limited to operations, maintenance, capital and general needs.
St. Joseph Parish Fund, Appleton
The purpose of the fund is to support key areas of the parish mission identified in our one by One campaign case for support. This includes service to our community, growing young adult ministry, strengthening Catholic education and supporting the Capuchin order.
St. Joseph Seminarian Endowment
Educates, forms, trains and assists seminarians of the Diocese of Green Bay.
St. Joseph the Worker Endowment for Bishop’s Appeal
This endowment was established in the name of St. Joseph the Worker by Joseph and Bernice Resch to benefit diocesan programs and services.
St. Mary Catholic Church Endowment, Ledgeview
This endowment is created through generous bequests from Reverend Donald Marquardt and Regina Willems. Its purpose is to provide for the future needs of the parish and its financial stability.
St. Mary of the Angels Church Building Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide funding for St. Mary of the Angels Church building including restoration, maintenance preservation and capital needs.
St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish Endowment for the Poor
Established through a generous gift from Mary and James A. Cotter Sr. The purpose of the endowment is to provide support for families of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Greenville who are in need of basic needs and short-term financial support.
St. Mary Parish Christensen Fund, Peshtigo
Provides for the greatest and/or special needs of the parish.
St. Mary Parish Fund, Oshkosh
Benefits the parish in its community outreach, for extraordinary expenses and for needs as determined by parish leadership of Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, Oshkosh (formerly St. Mary Parish).
St. Mary Parish Legacy League Endowment, Menasha
Established as a permanent, growing trust to help meet long-term future needs of the parish and for its financial stability.
St. Matthew Congregation Endowment, Green Bay
The purposes of the endowment are to provide additional support for the parish’s operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
St. Michael Parish Endowment, Whitelaw
This endowment was established by Joseph and Bernice Resch to provide support and assistance to St. Michael Parish for its program and services; operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence; as well as assistance in providing Catholic educational programming.
St. Michael Parish Fund, Whitelaw
The purpose of the fund is to provide support and assistance to St. Michael Parish in its mission including but not limited to operations, maintenance, capital and general needs.
St. Nicholas Parish Fund, Freedom
Helps the parish with its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
St. Paul Parish Multi-Generational Support Endowment, Plainfield
This endowment was established to provide a means by which donors are able to contribute assets to St. Paul’s Parish to help maintain, enhance and enrich delivery of its ministry.
St. Philip the Apostle Parish Endowment, Green Bay
The purposes of the endowment are to support and assist St. Philip the Apostle Parish in its mission by providing funding of programs and services and to provide additional support for its operation, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
St. Raphael the Archangel Parish Fund, Oshkosh
The purpose of the fund is to provide support and assistance to ALL education programs of St. Raphael the Archangel Parish, Oshkosh.
St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Endowment, Hofa Park
The purposes of the endowment are to provide funding for St. Stanislaus Catholic Church’s programs, services, operations, maintenance, capital requirements, and continued existence of the Church.
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Endowment, Humboldt
Established by a generous bequest from a former member of Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish, one of the two parishes that formed St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, to benefit parish operations.
St. Willebrord Open Doors, Open Hearts Endowment, Green Bay
Provides programming and resources to continue the parish’s “Open Doors, Open Hearts” ministry of caring for its diverse population, which includes all of God’s children.
St. Willebrord Parish Fund, Green Bay
The purpose of the fund, established through a generous bequest from Janice and Ernest Minecke, is to provide support and assistance to St. Willebrord Parish in its mission by providing funding for its programs and services; additional support for operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
Father James W. Samter Fund for Charitable Giving
This fund is designed to carry Father James Samter’s wishes for charitable giving.
Schott Endowment for the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help
Established to honor the memory, deep faith and family values of Theodore K. and Florence (Laundrie) Schott whose family serves as Our Lady’s Helpers. This endowment preserves their devotion to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help (now known as National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion). It provides an annual gift to the Shrine for their general needs.
John Schumerth Family Endowment for St. Matthew Parish
Established through a generous trust of the John Schumerth Family, the purposes of the endowment are to provide additional support for the operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence of St. Matthew Congregation, Green Bay. Additional gifts to this endowment are most welcome!
Secular Order of Franciscans, La Verna Region Endowment
This endowment is to benefit professed members of the La Verna Region of the Secular Order of Franciscans by subsidizing retreats and education for members of the La Verna Region.

Seminarians Endowment
Established through a generous bequest from the Marcella T. Greuel estate to assist needy young men studying for the priesthood. Additional gifts are most welcome!
Seminarian Endowment in Memory of Margaret (Girotti) Anshus
Established to honor the memory of Margaret (Girotti) Anshus and provide support and assistance to seminarians by funding for education, programs and services.
Seminarian Fund
This fund was established through a generous bequest from Peter J. Novotny for the recruitment, support, and assistance of seminarians for the Diocese of Green Bay. Additional gifts are most welcome!”
Mary Frances Shallow Endowment for the Leo Benevolent Association
This endowment was established by Reverend Robert H. Vandenberg to honor the memory of Mary F. Shallow for her many years of dedication to the Leo Benevolent Association. Additional gifts are welcome!
Dick and Carol Shikoski Endowment for Charitable Giving
The purposes of the endowment are to continue the Catholic and community charitable giving of the family.
William D. Steenberg Family Endowment
The endowment was established through a bequest from the William D. Steenberg Revocable Trust to carry on charitable giving in his memory. It will provide equal support to Seminarians, the Bishop’s Appeal and St. Raphael the Archangel Parish, Oshkosh.
Reverend Monsignor Carl E. Steiner Ministry Endowment for Priests
Assists deserving priests with their requests for sabbaticals and mini-sabbaticals.
Stella Maris Parish “Star of the Sea” Endowment Fund, Northern Door County
The purpose of the Stella Maris Parish “Star of the Sea” endowment, Northern Door County, is to ensure an ongoing Catholic presence in Northern Door County with priority for the fund’s annual distribution given to the direct and indirect costs associated with Worship, Liturgy and Music.
Marie H. Van Daalwyk Endowment for Seminarian Education
This endowment was created in memory of Marie H. Van Daalwyk to facilitate the education and training of young men for the priesthood in the Diocese of Green Bay.
Reverend Robert H. Vandenberg Endowment for Catholic Charity
This endowment will benefit many Catholic charitable organizations to carry on a tradition of generous giving begun by Father Vandenberg during his lifetime.
Reverend Robert H. Vandenberg Leo Benevolent Association Endowment
This endowment was created by Father Vandenberg to benefit the Leo Benevolent Association of the Priests of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
Roger J. & Doloris C. Van Eperen Endowment
This endowment was established by Roger Van Eperen for the support and assistance of St. Katharine Drexel Parish to benefit the maintenance needs of the St. Francis site in Hollandtown.
Clarence Wallace Designated Fund for Religious Retirement Needs in the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
The purpose of this fund is to benefit the retirement needs of the diocesan priests and religious communities of sisters and nuns established within the Diocese of Green Bay.
Clarence & Dolores Wallace Fund for Mount Tabor Center
Benefits Mount Tabor Center in Menasha, which provides retreat opportunities for young people throughout the Diocese.
Peter T. Weiler Family Fund
Awards scholarships for education of needy and deserving seminarians.
Dallas & Ann Marie Wixom Fund for Seminarian Education
Established to support and assist the Diocese of Green Bay in its mission to provide educational training to seminarians. This support can be for the general needs, tuition, room and board, health insurance, spiritual and pastoral programs and any other programs that benefit our seminarians.
Joseph & Elaine Wojtowicz Endowment
The purpose of this endowment is to benefit seminarians and adoption services of Catholic Charities at the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay.
World Mission Services Fund, Green Bay
Established with a generous bequest, the purpose of the fund is to share the faith with people around the world through World Mission projects.
James D. Young Endowment
This endowment was established by James D. Young for the support and assistance of the Missionaries of the Word, Inc. religious order.
Ernest & Donna Zmolek Family Fund
Established to benefit the Bishop’s greatest needs.
Service Funds & Endowments
A & A Alexandrina Center, Ltd Fund
The fund will support the A & A Alexandrina Center in its charitable purpose of providing long-term support, hope and resources to women and girls experiencing crisis pregnancies. Specifically, the principle that life is worth living in all stages from conception to natural death will be upheld by providing alternatives to abortion through material and spiritual support, with pertinent information for making positive choices and medical assistance if necessary.
Affordable Housing Institute
Established by the Donald J. Long, Sr. family to enhance the availability of affordable housing and home ownership in the greater Green Bay area.
Camp Tekakwitha Endowment
This endowment supports the greatest needs of Camp Tekakwitha including scholarships, building needs, year-round programs and summer programs. Additional gifts are most welcome!
Catholic Charities Endowment
This endowment assists Catholic Charities in reaching out to thousands of people through its programs of mental health counseling, child welfare services, family strengthening programs and budget counseling. Additional gifts are most welcome!
Catholic Diocese of Green Bay Fund for Capital Needs
This fund was established through a generous bequest from Harold and Arleen Vanden Heuvel Survivor’s Trust to support the capital needs of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
Jeanette K. Clark Fund for Children Services
Helps fund children’s services of Catholic Charities; established through a generous bequest.
Commission of Conscience Endowment, St. Norbert College Parish, De Pere
The purpose of this endowment is to provide support for the ‘Commission of Conscience’ program to enable post-graduate students to provide public service and to allow current students and/or adults to participate in service trips.
Community Outreach Temporary Services (COTS) Endowment, Appleton
This endowment was established to provide support and assistance to the COTS Program in its mission by providing funding for its transitional shelter programs and services for the homeless in the Fox Valley. Additional gifts are most welcome!
Helen Danoski Campaign for Human Development Endowment
Supplements local grants for the Diocese’s Catholic Campaign for Human Development.
Bob & Pat Endries Camp Tekakwitha Endowment
The purposes of the endowment are to provide support and assistance to Camp Tekakwitha in its mission by providing funding for its programs, camperships, operations, maintenance, capital requirements and general needs.
Jud & Mary Beth Fowler Leadership Legacy Endowment
This endowment was gifted to endow the life-time membership of Jud and Mary Beth Fowler in the Catholic Foundation Legacy Society.
Marie D. & Denis J. Garot Endowment for Catholic Charity
The endowment is designed to carry on a tradition of giving to Catholic and community charities, which we wish to continue well into the future. Giving will benefit services for the blind and deaf communities; subscriptions of the Catholic newspaper, The Compass, for parishioners of St. Agnes Parish, Green Bay; and for the diocesan mission in the Dominican Republic.
Global Outreach Inc. Fund, Appleton
The purpose of the fund is to provide support and assistance to Global Outreach Inc. in its mission by providing funding for its programs and services including scholarship support, and support of its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and greatest needs.
Grellinger Hall Endowment, Green Bay
Supports the retired priests in the Diocese of Green Bay.
Hope Center Food Program Endowment, Green Bay
Established by the Donald J. Long, Sr. family to care for the poor served by the Hope enter in Green Bay, formerly St. Patrick Food Pantry. Additional gifts are most welcome!
Mary Hunsaker Endowment for Catholic Charity
This fund is designed to carry on a tradition of giving to Catholic and community charities, which I wish to continue well into the future.
Lee H. and Eileen M. Kummer Charitable Endowment for Woodland Dunes Nature Center & Preserve
This endowment was established by Lee & Eileen Kummer for the support and assistance of Woodland Dunes Nature Center & Preserve in Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
Lee H. & Eileen M. Kummer Endowment for Refugee Services of Catholic Charities
This endowment was established by Lee and Eileen Kummer to provide financial assistance to newly arriving refugees focusing on employment, career development, home management and health promotion through the Refugee Services of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
Leadership Legacy Endowment
Established by the family of Donald J. Long, Sr. in his memory as the Catholic Foundation’s founding president. This endowment will ensure the Foundation’s future. Additional gifts are most welcome!
LEAVEN, Inc. Custodial Fund, Menasha
The purposes of the fund are to support and assist LEAVEN in its mission to stabilize and empower people in financial crisis by providing financial assistance, referrals and case management to address their near-term and long-term basic needs; and to support its operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence. LEAVEN was established in 1987 by Reverend Robert Udulutsch.
Darlene M. and Donald J. Long, Sr. Fund for the Catholic Foundation Operations, Green Bay
The purposes of the fund are to provide for the operations and continued existence of the Catholic Foundation.
Monica Meyer Respect Life Endowment
Established by a generous bequest from the Monica Meyer estate for a Respect Life Anti-Abortion Program in the Diocese of Green Bay.
Nazareth Fund
Helps children and families in the Diocese of Green Bay. Established by Bishop Robert J. Banks through a generous bequest from the Jeanette K. Clark Estate.
Regina & Dominic Olejniczak Family Endowment
Benefits Catholic Adoption Services through Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay.
one by One Homeless Services Endowment
This endowment was established through the one by One campaign to provide grants to homeless shelters and homeless service providers at work in the Diocese of Green Bay.

Paul’s Pantry Endowment
Established by the Donald J. Long, Sr. family to care for the poor served by Paul’s Pantry in Green Bay. Additional gifts are most welcome!
Poor & Homeless Fund
Assists the poor and homeless of the Diocese of Green Bay.
Jerome L. and Janice M. Roovers Family Endowment
This endowment was established by Jerome L. and Janice M. Roovers for the support of Catholic causes including Catholic Relief Services, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion, Catholic Charities, and the Bishop’s Appeal.
St. Agnes Parish, St. Vincent de Paul Society Fund, Green Bay
Promotes charitable giving to and support of the mission of St. Agnes Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference.
St. Faustina Endowment for Catholic Charities
The endowment was established in honor of Reverend Raymond Conard to benefit Catholic Charities with a special emphasis on the Adoption and Teen Parenting Programs.
St. Gianna Molla Clinic Endowment, Green Bay
The purpose of the endowment is to provide financial support to St. Gianna Clinic in its mission of providing the highest quality, faithfully Catholic medical care from conception to natural death, while cultivating a deeper understanding of the Church’s scientific, medical and moral ethics.
St. John’s Homeless Shelter Endowment, Green Bay
The purpose of the endowment is to provide additional support for the operation, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence of the St. John’s Homeless Shelter, the Micah Center, Wellspring and its ministries.
St. Mary’s Hospital Fund
Helps fund operations or capital expenses for St. Mary Hospital, Green Bay. Additional gifts are greatly appreciated.
St. Matthew Congregation Outreach Fund, Green Bay
Established to support people, projects or organizations (outside of the parish) that have needs on a local, national or global level.
St. Patrick’s Catholic Bookstore, Inc. Endowment, Appleton
The purpose of this endowment is to benefit St. Patrick’s Catholic Bookstore, Inc. for their greatest needs.
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Appleton, Inc. Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide support and assistance to the St. Vincent de Paul Society
of Appleton, Inc. in its mission by providing funding for its programs, services, operations, maintenance, capital requirements and greatest needs.
Father James W. Samter Endowment for Immigrant & Refugee Services
The purpose of the endowment is to provide support to immigrant and refugee services through Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay on an annual basis. This annual support may include supplemental funding for its refugee social and/or community service programs; and additional support for the immigrant and/or refugee programs of Catholic Charities operations, maintenance, capital requirements and continued existence.
Jerome & Joan Schnettler Endowment
Created in memory of Jerome Schnettler, this endowment is designed to provide direct assistance to the clients of Catholic Charities, Inc. of the Green Bay Diocese.
Susan Schuster Fund for Adoption Services of Catholic Charities
The purpose of the fund is to support the continued operations of the Adoption Program of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Fund, Marinette
The purpose of the fund is to support the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marinette, Inc., of Marinette, Wisconsin. Distributions may be used for capital needs, programming needs and any other needs of the Society.
Sr. Maria Designated Fund for Humanitarian Aid
The purposes of the fund are to provide support to Sr. Maria Marciano, Haiti in her efforts to improve the standard of living and nutrition for families in the aftermath of the earthquake of 2010. In the event it is no longer practical for Sr. Maria to continue the humanitarian work in Haiti, this fund will benefit other humanitarian aid or missionary aid in the world.
The Howard and Bernice Strenn Designated Endowment
The purpose of this endowment is to benefit Adoption Services through Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
Threshold of Hope Designated Fund
Provides support to homeless individuals whose needs are not served by other social service agencies in the Brown County area. Special emphasis and support shall be given to the ministry and operations of St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter.
Joseph & Margaret Vanden Heuvel Endowment for Catholic Giving
This endowment is to benefit children in the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay. It will equally benefit needy children through Catholic Charities, Camp Tekakwitha camperships and tuition assistance for Catholic schools.
Wisconsin Right to Life Education/Veritas Society Fund
Established to provide the Wisconsin general public with an extensive pro-life education to save lives from abortion and to achieve a lasting culture of life.
World Mission Services Operations Fund
This fund was established for the support and assistance of the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.’s World Mission Services Office.